Here’s the last step of constructing the collar and collar stand! So far, we have a shirt with a collar stand. Our collar stand has an opening along the top edge where we’ll insert the finished collar. We also have a beautiful collar prepared, all ready to attach to the shirt’s collar stand. We’ve passed the […]
Tag Archives | collar
Sewing a Collar Stand, The Shirtmaking Way
Ok! More shirtmaking information today. The Shirtmaking book I’m referencing has a completely different approach to sewing the collar stand than usual methods. I like it because you get to place the collar into the stand, getting it right where you want it, rather than sewing the collar-stand unit to the shirt and hoping it […]
Sewing a Shirt Collar, The Shirtmaking Way
Are you ready to watch a new and exciting way of sewing a shirt collar? Here it comes! How to sew a shirt collar the shirtmaking way: You’ll need: your shirt collar cut from main fabric, two pieces your shirt collar cut from a piece of sew-in interfacing glue! One thing that’s different about […]
Renfrew Top: That Tricky Cowl Collar
Hey, everyone! Today I’m back to demonstrating sewing the Renfrew Top, working on the collar of View C next. I’m excited to add this demo to the library as it will answer a lot of questions! Here’s where we left off, if you’re just catching up – Sewing and Stabilizing the Shoulder Seams. (Get the […]
Minoru Sew-Along #15: Stitching in the Ditch
Today we’ll do a quick sewing step: stitch in the ditch of our collar and neckline seam. I remember mentioning stitch-in-the-ditch a while back and it was a new term to many of you! Have you heard the term ‘stitch in the ditch’ before? It’s not that common in sewing patterns, which tend to favor […]
Minoru Sew-Along #7: We Finally Get to Pull the Gathers!
Today, you can pull up the gathering threads on your jackets! (When we get to that part in the sewing instructions, that is!) Today we’ll sew the collar to the jacket neckline, sew the underarm and sideseam, and topstitch the underarm seam. Note: If you’re wanting to put inseam pockets in your jacket, stop before […]
Minoru Sew-Along #6: Sewing the Hood to the Collar (Quick Post!)
Hey everyone! In today’s post, we’ll take the hood we finished last week (in this post) and the collar we worked on yesterday, and join them together as one. Want to catch up on previous Sew-Along posts? Click the links below to read more: Minoru Sew-Along #1: Let’s Get Started! Minoru Sew-Along #2: Sewing Sleeves […]
Minoru Sew-Along #5: The Secret Hood Zipper
I know, technically the zipper isn’t a secret. You all know it’s there! Nor is it a secret that there’s a hood in our collars, it’ll be a soft roll around your neck. Secret or not, it’s a very cool feature on this jacket. Today we’ll insert the zipper into the collar, so we can […]